🌱$PAPPLE Launchpad

It is with great pride that we unveil the details of our $PAPPLE Launchpad!

Let’s start with the basics: the Fair Launch System

At the core of the PAPPLE Launchpad lies the principle of “fair launch,” a concept that ensures equal footing for all participants. Avoiding the traditional fixed-price model, our launchpad introduces a dynamic, price discovery period, making the launch an exciting journey of collective valuation.

With 1,250 tokens available for distribution, we invite every enthusiast to commit from as little as 1 USDC, embracing the potential of $PAPPLE without boundaries.

The Mechanics of the Launchpad

Our launchpad’s doors will open for 48 hours, a window of opportunity for participants to commit USDC to participate.

The value of $PAPPLE will be determined by the following formula:

$PAPPLE Price = Amount Raised / Available Tokens​

The launchpad will start on Friday, May 10th, 2024 at 01:00 PM UTC and will end on Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 01:00 PM UTC.

Following this phase, the initial liquidity — consisting of 100% of the funds raised during the launchpad — will seed the PAPPLE/USDC liquidity pool.

This step not only marks the starting point of $PAPPLE’s journey on the market but also activates the claim process, allowing participants to receive tokens proportional to their USDC commitment.

The launchpad’s conclusion unveils a dual reward: 60% in SEEDS and 40% in $PAPPLE.

Let’s make an example to clarify the whole process: consider a scenario where the total commitment reaches $125,000. The resulting PAPPLE price settles at $100, calculated by dividing the total funds by the available tokens (1,250 $PAPPLE).

Participants like Bob and Paul, who committed 100 USDC and 50 USDC respectively, will receive their shares as follows:

Bob (100 USDC invested): 0.6 SEEDS (60%) and 0.4 $PAPPLE (40%); Paul (50 USDC invested): 0.3 SEEDS (60%) and 0.2 $PAPPLE (40%).

The Deflationary Path Ahead

With a capped supply of 250,000 tokens, $PAPPLE’s journey is meticulously designed to balance ecosystem growth with a deflationary trajectory.

Through strategic burning mechanisms (you can find all the info here) we ensure $PAPPLE’s scarcity and value appreciation over time. These measures reflect our commitment to the token’s sustainability and the prosperity of TropicalSwap’s ecosystem.

Dive in, and let’s craft a flourishing DeFi ecosystem together! 🍍🌴🌊

Last updated